A keyboard and two pens sit next to a pair of glasses and a blank notebook.

My mission is simple - to connect with people through words. Words breathe life into our experiences and allow us to share a small part of ourselves with the people around us.

Recent Posts

2023: Year in Review
Sarah Glinski Sarah Glinski

2023: Year in Review

Can you believe that 2024 is just around the corner? I know I can’t. 2023 was an absolute whirlwind filled with personal and career growth, travelling, and moving to a different province. Now that the year is drawing to a close, I wanted to review some of the highlights of the year (as well as some of the not-so-fun parts). Thanks for coming along for the ride!

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Deconstructing Internalized Fatphobia
Sarah Glinski Sarah Glinski

Deconstructing Internalized Fatphobia

Despite the body positivity movement, fatphobia remains rampant in our culture. In many cases, fatphobia becomes internalized. This can be incredibly harmful, as it involves buying into the messaging that a person is unworthy or unlovable because of their size.

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Your Body is Not a Problem to be Fixed
Sarah Glinski Sarah Glinski

Your Body is Not a Problem to be Fixed

Recently, I had some photos taken while I was on vacation. I’ve gained weight since the last time I had photos taken, and seeing the photos was hard. But at the end of the day, your body is not a problem that needs to be fixed.

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Why You Really Need to Define Your Ideal Client
Marketing Sarah Glinski Marketing Sarah Glinski

Why You Really Need to Define Your Ideal Client

While it may seem small, it’s super important not to skip the step of defining your ideal client when you’re getting started in your business. Defining your ideal client allows you to design your brand and marketing strategy to appeal to your DREAM clients.

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